The bands of this stunning blue lace agate were formed by silica-rich liquid filling the cracks and seams of volcanic basalt rock. With gradual changes in temperature and pressure, the outer edge of the solution crystallised in alternate layers of quartz and chalcedony towards the centre, highlighted in bright colours from trace elements. The shimmering crystalline quartz face is the final inner layer and the completion of this process as the last of the silica-rich solution is used up.
This stunning blue lace agate was formed by silica-rich liquid filling the cracks and seams of volcanic basalt rock. With gradual changes in temperature and pressure, the outer edge of the solution crystallised in alternate layers of quartz and chalcedony towards the centre. The shimmering crystalline face is the final inner layer and the completion of this process as the last of the silica-rich solution is used up, with trace elements giving the crystal its soft blue hue.