Energy Clearing Rituals


There are many Crystals and Totems used to help us heal, grow and move through obstacles, each holding unique and powerful energy. Mother Nature's energy, the energy of the creators and the energy of the space they were found in can all shift and change the effect the totem or crystal can have.

I recommend a simple clearing ritual (also referred to as recharging, re-energising, programming) each time a creation leaves a space and enters a new one, changes owners, moves through significant change and also after time. The intention of this is to recharge the crystal or totem to allow the energy to be renewed, restored and fully provide you with what you need.

Because this is such a personal practice, only your intuition can help you choose which ritual to perform each time - so be sure to listen in and feel what you need to do, even if that means doing all of them!

When performing clearing rituals it’s important to remember to first have the intention to allow the totem or crystal to bring you what you need and to clear any energy you do not need. These rituals can be performed at any time you feel they are needed.


Burn sage, blow the lit sage gently to create clouds of sage smoke and move this over and around your totem/crystal, yourself and each corner of the room and surrounding rooms with the intention to allow the totem/crystal to bring you what you need and clear any energy you do not need. If you are after specific things you can also invite these in by thinking, feeling or voicing what they are.

For safety: ensure you have a clay pot or something to put out your sage when you are done, carry this with the burning sage and be aware of any embers that may come from blowing the burning sage and be aware of fire alarms.  


Hang/place your totem/crystal in a sunny or moon light spot for around an hour. When hanging be clear on having the intention to allow the totem/crystal to bring you what you need and clear any energy you do not need. If you are after specific things you can also invite these in by thinking, feeling or voicing what they are.

Note: Amethyst will lighten or even yellow (that’s what citrine is) if it is left in the sun for long periods of time. Other totems may deteriorate if left in the sun.


Place crystal/s in a natural running river for 15-20 minutes. Crystals can be placed in a mesh bag to secure them if needed. Set your intention to allow the totem/crystal to bring you what you need and clear any energy you do not need. If you are after specific things you can also invite these in by thinking, feeling or voicing what they are.

Note: please ensure you know if your crystal can be placed in water, some crystals are very delicate and sensitive to moisture, may dissolve and some shouldn’t be handled such as malachite. Please do your research if you are unsure about this, or get in touch with us.


Amethyst is a master energy clearer, place a piece of Amethyst on or near the crystal/totem to be cleared for a few hours. Set your intention to allow the totem/crystal to bring you what you need and clear any energy you do not need. If you are after specific things you can also invite these in by thinking, feeling or voicing what they are.

Note: It’s recommended to clear the amethyst before and after each ritual to restore its own energy.

The Woven Dream (@the_woven_dream) • Instagram photos and videos:


If you are after a specific type of totem or crystal or simply not sure, check out the current collections each made with love and intent.

Get in touch with us here for any questions or for a specific custom design.

For information on crystal energy visit the detailed Crystal Guide here 

Don't forget to check out the Sacred Blog up here with Practised Rituals, Meditation, Sisterhood, Wild Women, Words of Wisdom and more! 

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