Sage + Natural Bouquet Iris Bundle



Sage bundle + Natural Bouquet

Designed to use ritualistically to burn and smoke out all the vibes you no longer need in your beautiful space, to remove and clean spirits, energy and vibes that don’t serve you, and to clear, cleanse and ease your home, yourself, workplace or sacred spaces. These rituals create space for the beauty life has to offer.

Energetically you can remove and ask for what you wish during ‘smudging’ with clear intentions during each ritual. 

Each sage bundle purchase comes with an emailed sage smudging ritual to help you with the process. 

FREE gift wrapping and handmade card with message upon request

This is for 1 Sage and natural bouquet bundle and one sage ritual sent via email. 

Please see variants to choose your bundle out of the 3 pictured in these images.

Bundle 2 SOLD